We are a small press based on Saturna Island, BC, specializing in books about local history.

About Us
Cliffside Publishing was created by David and Sofia Osborne, a father-daughter editing and publishing team, and supported by the Cliffside Publishing Community Association. Since moving to beautiful Saturna Island in 2015, David has become fascinated with the island's history. He has enlisted the help of his daughter, Sofia, an experienced editor and creative writing graduate student, to help bring these stories to life.As of December 2023, Cliffside Publishing is now operated by the Saturna Heritage Centre under the Saturna Community Club, which has been involved from the beginning of this project.

Mayne Queen: The Passing of a Ferry
John Wiznuk
This book is a history of one of the first ships in the fleet of the British Columbia Ferries system. It is a memoir of the ship, her role in serving the Southern Gulf Islands (SGI) and other parts of coastal B.C., and a description of the her relationship with the people of the SGI and elsewhere who rode her over the decades. It celebrates her retirement from regular service, and the 62nd year of the B.C. Ferries service, in 2022. Author John Wiznuk has a keen interest in BC maritime history, has lived in the SGI for decades, and has ridden his beloved Mayne Queen countless times in the daily carrying out of tasks both mundane and sublime.
British Columbia Review
Requiem for the Mayne Queen
Gary Dale's Scribbler Review
A Queen Retires

Making a Living on Saturna: Money Family
An oral history by Bill Schermbrucker
Saturna Island’s Money family
Book Review: Making a Living on Saturna – Money Family

Making a Living on Saturna: Crooks Family
An oral history by Bill Schermbrucker
On Canada Day, 1951, twelve-year-old Barry Crooks arrived on Saturna—a new and long life on this beautiful island was about to begin. In 1960, Geri Crooks began visiting Saturna in the summers, and by the time she was twelve had decided to make a life here too. In 1988, Barry and Geri married and blended their families. Their compelling and inspiring stories, from logging and developing land to the early days of Saturna Island Rescue, are captured in these interviews with Bill Schermbrucker and David Osborne.
Review by Priscilla Ewbank

Making a Living on Saturna: Jon and Priscilla
An oral history by Bill Schermbrucker
Jon Guy and Priscilla Ewbank arrived separately on Saturna island in the 1970s, joining their energies and imaginations to make a living and a family over the decades. Their love of the land and food, and a willingness to work hard at whatever was available, led to a rich history that is recounted in these interviews with local writer and historian Bill Schermbrucker. From Haggis Farm Bakery to the Saturna General Store, their story exemplifies what it takes to thrive in this small island community.Reviews:
Island Life - BC Book Look
1310 Scratching a living on Saturna - The Ormsby Review

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Book Review: A Queen Retires
by Christa Grace-WarrickThe arrival of BC Ferries newest ship Salish Heron (this week) at Victoria’s Ogden Point
—all the way from Gdansk in Poland—is a great moment to wave an old queen goodbye.
Salish Heron will replace Mayne Queen on Southern Gulf Islands’ Routes 5 and 5A this spring.
John Wiznuk’s new book Mayne Queen: the passing of a ferry gives her a royal send off.
The contrast of the two names is a sign of the times. Ships used to be female and royal
but now they are named for places and wildlife.
This colourful book traces Mayne Queen’s long career from her keel being laid in 1965
at Victoria Machinery Depot—at the aforementioned Ogden Point, incidentally. The narrative
doesn’t stop there and, in fact, starts with a good deal of southern coast boating history since settler days began, which will delight west coast aficionados.
He has done BCFerries and its predecessors proud, weaving in all sorts of curious and interesting facts and technical details. So many things have passed into history, like BC Ferries’ original Dogwood fleet flag, a brilliant green with a simple dogwood blossom in the centre.
Wiznuk’s record, with its many photos, helps us remember. It is also a personal testament to the grand old lady on which he has sailed for decades.
Adding a bit of drama, is Chapter 4: Groundings, Hard Landings and Close Calls. I have myself been on board at one of those close calls and they do add romance to islands’ life and are great yarns to tell— once we are safe and sound. We have skillful crews to thank that such things are few and far between. The people she has carried on her comings and goings are not left out; in Chapter 3, Wiznuk gives us a ‘day in the life’ of the ferry, starting from his island, Saturna. Plying Southern Gulf Islands routes, Mayne Queen has served Galiano, Mayne, Saturna and Pender Island communities. So well-loved is she that she even got a 50th birthday party, including a cake
which the crew enjoyed. In fact, three cakes one for each watch.
In these days of rapidly growing population, many will be glad to see a somewhat bigger ferry take over and solve those line-up and overload problems. Southern Gulf Islands early morning capacity will jump by 88 cars. But some of us will swallow down the lump in our throats. Luckily John Wiznuk has given us a detailed book with which to remember her.

Book Review: Mayne Queen Review as seen in the Scribbler
by Gary Dale, long-time, part time resident of Saturna, and retired Project Manager at BC FerriesIn Mayne Queen; The Passing of a Ferry, John Wuznuk illustrates the amazing evolution of what we have come to know as BC Ferries through the lens of one of its smallest, oldest and most beloved ships, and her relationship with Saturna Island, where John has lived since the early '90s. As John wrote, “the Mayne Queen has been the faithful transporter of islanders and visitors over the Salish Sea during the fifty-six years of its existence and is scheduled for replacement in 2022”John's telling of the Mayne Queen's history begins with the First Nations. “The First Nations travelled freely back and forth among the islands, between the mainland and what we now call Vancouver Island, from the harbour of T’Sou-ke on the southwest coast of the big island to the islands of Haida Gwaii in the north on elegant, hand-carved, seaworthy cedar canoes.” John goes on to describe the maritime history of our coast from first contact with Europeans through the subsequent years of colonialism, population increase, and the economic and political pressures that eventually led to the creation of BC Ferries.He describes how the Mayne Queen inherited the double-ended design (can be driven in either direction), open deck, and drive on/drive off design from earlier ferries which proved very efficient at moving cars and trucks quickly on and off. This basic design is still in use today with new vessel construction. He also records the history of the various refits, upgrades, and improvements that transformed the vessel over her 56 years of service.The Mayne Queen's special relationship with Saturna Island is not unique, but it is a special relationship in our part of the world. John has spent most of his life immersed in maritime history, writing, record keeping, and participating in island and coastal life. It is fitting that he has preserved her particular history in this book. His description of the day to day life of a Saturna Islander trying to live in a way that requires a connection to the larger world for various needs like shopping, medical appointments, social engagements, and employment, as well as shuttling BC Hydro, Telus and many other essential services to and from Saturna, is enlightening to those of us that have never lived on a small island. The residents rely upon a complex schedule of the service and this is why the Mayne Queen, which has been their primary carrier for many decades, is so near and dear to them.John also dedicates a chapter to “Groundings, ‘Hard Landings’ and Close Calls“ that the fleet has experienced over the years. It is a stark reminder to those of us who take the safety we enjoy when travelling on our ferry system for granted.Saturna Island, like many coastal communities, would not have thrived as we know and love her without BC Ferries. Since the earliest days, the corporation has at times had a difficult relationship with the people of BC, yet John has recounted with a balanced hand the good times, the sometimes tragic times, and the struggles that have kept our coastal communities connected.I had the privilege of working for BC Ferries (now retired) and was involved in refitting the Mayne Queen years ago. This gave me the wonderful opportunity to see the many men and women working ‘ behind the curtain’. That they have kept her running back and forth reliably for so many years is a tribute to the collective dedication of her crews. This and my family's connection to Saturna leaves me sad to see the Mayne Queen near the end of her service life. John's book is a fitting tribute to the Mayne Queen, her crews and support workers, as well as the rest of the fleet, which has been so much a part of British Columbians' lives for so many years. Mayne Queen; The Passing of a Ferry will be enjoyed by anyone who has lived or longed for BC coastal life and more broadly by anyone interested in the realities of island life and the ferries that connect communities to them.
Book Review: Making a Living on Saturna – Money Family
by Paul SinclairThe title of this series of books about some of the influential families on Saturna says it all. Making a Living on Saturna goes right to a subject at the heart of the lives of many island residents. A previous edition told the story of Jon Guy & Priscilla Ewbank, and an earlier book related the lives of Jim & Lorraine Campbell. What can we learn from those who have gone before us and achieved such success?One way is to read their stories, in their own words, as reported by an accomplished interviewer and story-writer. Someone who can ask the questions we might have asked, and to respectfully direct the conversation to events they may prefer not to discuss. This was the task that the late Bill Schermbrucker set himself before he died in 2019. He interviewed many people before they passed away or moved off island and then wrote masterful oral histories.I’m one of those seasonal visitors to the island that made their lives elsewhere, worked for many years, and brought my retirement savings to live on Saturna, so I can’t speak to the challenges of permanent life here. However, I have been fortunate to meet the subjects of these books during the last fifteen years, to be helped by them as my wife and I built our house, and to receive the gift of friendship from some of them.The message that comes through strongly in this book is the hard physical work and willingness to take risks that John and Carol Money have displayed throughout their lives. Another is that they have no sooner made a success of one endeavour than they are ready to pass the torch to someone else and try their hands at something new. It can hardly be overstated how difficult such choices are for many of us. It’s so easy to work hard for success at something, and then when we achieve it, try to hold on to the point of diminishing returns.The first half of the book is a question-and-answer story about John’s life from his childhood in the 1940’s to the present. He quite readily allows that he benefitted from his father’s far-sighted purchase of large tracts of land on Saturna, but makes the case that he had to make his own way to earn the right to inherit the property. Part of that responsibility is to know that land is not something to be always used purely for personal profit. Another part is to recognise that simply owning something can hardly give the life satisfaction and sense of achievement that work provides.Accordingly, the Money family (including John and Carol) donated many pieces of land over the years for the benefit of the community. In fact, the list of amenities that we all enjoy such as the Recreation Centre, Medical Centre, Fire Hall, Money Lake Reservoir, and others, would not have been possible without the generosity of the family. And the giving was not only of inherited land but also the time and manual labour to develop the facilities. John continued his construction business even while working on many other projects.An unfortunate part of island life that peeks through the stories is the friction and misunderstandings that can crop up in a small community. I suppose it’s inevitable that there will be little conflicts between people when they have competing needs and desires. Fortunately for us, they fade with time and we are left with the positive achievements of lives well-lived.The second part of the book is a memoir written by Carol Money herself. Many of us read her regular columns in the Scribbler community magazine about gardening, so it comes as no surprise that this is a well-written story told with modesty and enthusiasm. Not one to take a back seat in the running of the family landscaping & construction businesses, Carol also started one of her own: a Nursery selling plants, flowers, and apples. She also did much of the running of the East Point Resort that John had built in the early years, including the cleaning work.Where did she find the time to do all this while bringing up six children? I always marvel that Carol can still write such lengthy and varied instructions on timely garden activities in every issue of the Scribbler (nine times a year!). It may be something to do with good time-management, or perseverance, or perhaps it comes from her upbringing in a large family. Probably all of these, but you can read her story and decide for yourself.
Finally, I want to commend David Osborne for deciding to publish the work started by Bill Schermbrucker, with the help of Mark Timmings, Sofia Osborne, and others. The beautiful design of the book, complete with many pictures from the family archives, makes for fascinating reading about the history of Saturna Island.The book is published 2022 by Cliffside Publishing, ISBN 9781777544218 (soft-cover). Price $17.00
Reviews:Making a Living on Saturna - Crooks Family
Priscilla EwbankThis book brings to the reader separate oral interviews with Geri and Barry Crooks each telling their own story of making their livelihoods living on Saturna Island. They are hardworking Islanders, making their way, bringing good humour, practical capability to all that they did and do to bring in the financial wherewithal to live within their Community on a small Southern Gulf Island.Making a living and a life on a little Island served by BC Ferries is an undertaking for those of an optimistic nature-or slightly off the wall! Making a living is day in and day out – cash to operate, help to hire, billing, equipment, think on your feet while you yard in experience - short range - long range planning, financial skills, good Island credit - your word has to stand for something solid. Having something Islanders and visitors want or need - a driveway to be installed, an acreage to log and haul, logs to cut into boards, ferry tickets to sell, homes to paint and drywall is some of the “stock in trade” Geri and Barry used to financially shore up their life. Also, taken into account, is that the time used to get those dollars earned has to jockey with time for the school lunches to be made, the Lamb BBQ work, critical birthdays, replacing the car battery that just died and on and on. How rich are you ever going to get - when will that mortgage get paid off - can you really spare the time to organize the Volunteer Fire Department Pig BBQ?Barry and Geri Crooks are the subjects of the 6th book of oral histories, the third with the theme of making a living on Saturna Island. Recorded skillfully by Saturna Island interviewer Bill Schermbrucker*, Bill’s questions allow the life stories of lively and ingenious full-time islanders to spill out in their own voices and styles, an entertainment to read and an inspiration.Barry and Geri, were islanders before they came to Saturna, Geri as a 12-year-old youngster spent summers staying with her Aunt and Uncle’s family - hanging out, helping with 6 cousins and having fun. Barry came as a 12-year-old with his family and their belongings packed on a scow from Dinner Bay, Mayne Island. His dad setting up for another logging job on another Gulf Island.From an early age both remember deciding that Saturna Island was to be home. Both were married previously with children on Saturna and making their own financial lives independently in the interim. In 1988 they were married and combined their families.Their independent work lives have provided a commendable depth of service to our Island. Either of them would say hard work has been a cornerstone. Always ready to be there to do a good job and be paid for services rendered. And risk taking and rolling with it another guideline-“Yes, yes, I can do that job for you.” And both report thinking, right now I will start figuring out how to do this job!Barry’s life is the way of life since settler time began. Log in winter, fish in summer. With the emphasize on which side of the equation whatever you had the most experience with and the most equipment to do, you did. Logging on James Island, logging on Saturna, Pender, putting roads in on Mayne - a million jobs involving used excavators, heavy trucks, skidders, cables - trees, rocks, wrenches and dirt. Barry had a payroll – friends\employees monkey wrenching and logging. On Saturna, the saw mill machine shop floor, soaked in oil and diesel, was a jolly site at lunch break - beat to death lunchboxes, scrounging dogs and many stories - lots of stories and laughter, a daily rest among long working days.
Barry is the kind of person who knows the backstory about who might need a little help with this or that - a favour called in. He makes it happen. Plenty of his stories recount how he was helped as a young man at a crucial juncture in a quiet manner by someone in the generation before that saw his need. Barry, has done his fair share of being on volunteer committees with us all and remains calm and easy about the task at hand and his opinions!You had to be on Saturna at the time to know the world that Geri and friend Gloria Manzano moved in, to earn a living. Without fanfare, drywalling, painting. anything the builders and carpenters didn't want to do – with their blessing. With a sharp wit and quick, observant mind she was off in what had been a man’s world on Saturna, working on houses, making her way from the first BC Ferry attendant to supervisor- a kaleidoscope of simultaneous jobs.Strong and demanding as her work world is and was, she was on the bottom floor of creating our necessary emergency services – the fire department and emergency response - both entirely volunteer mainly supported by money raised on Saturna and certainly run by volunteer energy. Geri will be the first to tell you that many other Islanders and Islanders who have left made a big contribution to her life and to all of our Community services in start-up and as they evolved. Geri was instrumental in developing and keeping a high level of excellence in both.Readers are fortunate, Geri and Barry both have excellent memories and can tell a good story. Laughter and an insouciance about life is deeply a part of their approach to their lives and to what happens in Community. Oral histories, retain in the printed word the cadence and the way with words of the speakers - reminding readers how personal each of our lives are. Å wonderful thing about this book is that Geri and Barry are still right here, above ground! All questions can be directly asked- all compliments handed out!The original impetus to interview and record the long-time Islanders speaking about their lives has paid off richly for the Community’s sense of its recent history. Bill Schermbrucker, a writer and Islander himself did his work very well at the request and with financial help from the Saturna Community Club. We now have the beginning of an archive of oral histories. Bill passed away in 2019 after taping, transcribing and getting printed the first three histories and leaving 4 sets of tapes not published but ready to go. The tapes lived in a box, cared for- then Islander David Osbourne heard about their existence. Fired up, David moved with cash, energy and inspiration starting Cliffside Publishing to get those oral histories out and printed. Sofia, his daughter, edited and worked with the recorded families. Mark Timming’s book designing skills of font, layout and photograph production and placement make the books beautiful, a fine vehicle for the lively stories within. Included in the books are interpretive maps by Jaclyn Simons to locate pertinent places for each family.
*Bill interviewed Barry in 2014. David Osborne, revitalizing the effort, interviewed Geri in 2020. At the beginning of this project the emphasize was on the man in the relationship, by the time the second book came along times had changed – partners were recognized as fully half of the equation and warranted their own independent interviews!
Books are available at Saturna General Store, Cliffsidepublishing.ca, and at the FAB building.Making a Living on Saturna: Crooks Family. Bill Schermbrucker and David Osbourne, graphic design Mark Timmings Publisher David Osbourne - Cliffside Publishing, Saturna Island 2022.